Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Smithsonian's National Zoo

Africa Geographic Magazine

Lovely Tarot -

Lovely Tarot - 

Oh my, I love tarot
These little cards
Make our souls grow
Who would've known
So much information
In one little card
Oh how I love these
Little pretty cards
Through my soul
I never knew
The truth 
Until you speak 
To me 
Through you

April - 

The Sun -

Fantasy Deck 
Lately the energy feels
like major fire
Firey nature
Soars through the air
Burning up
The past
Leaving smoke
In its wake
We have no fight left
Of what we cannot take
Oh the fire in the air
Brings me further
Past everything I dreamed
Of leaving behind
And into the Sun

April -

Rest -

Rest -

Where can I rest
When I don't feel blessed
Life is relentless
Time after Time
I end up crying
After years of trying
Only to think
I have fifty years
And I'll be dying

April -