Mind Gaze - I sat there at the stop light. My mind was wandering. I was in a daze. I turned to my right and this view is what I see. A kind of grassy scene that made me feel peacefully. I quickly grabbed my phone to capture the moment as my own. The grassy scene with two matching posts on each side totally caught me by surprise. I felt a beautiful moment that did not pass me by as I sat and waited for the green light. April -
Yellow - Not red, but Hot! A burst of light Sunshine Glitter Energy The solar plexus chakra in my belly. Color illumination as bright as it can be. Yellow, yellow energy bursts inside of me. Solar emotions, the core of my soul, aching to become whole. Yellow reminds me of the sun in the sky. So so hot, and oh so bright, just like the month of July. April -
The Universe in me - I feel the moonlight, the stars, the planets, and the ocean tides. The universe in me keeps my senses open wide. I feel driven, I feel tried, I go within and I come alive. I manifest through passionate eyes and other times I release memories and cry. The universe in me shines bright like the stars in the night sky. April -
Life is Everything - No one is exempt from life's messy steps. One foot in front of the other seems life's very test. Can you raise your foot? When comfort keeps you staying put. Life is everything you see. It is most magically everything Happiness, sadness, pain and joy! If we had no language, what would we say? Labeling an emotion doesn't have to be this way. Ride life like a magical ride You might slip and slide, but it doesn't keep you from the prize of living a beautiful life. April -
Green Leafy Vegetables - First thing came to mind Vegetables - So healthy for me So healthy for you Vegetables keep me feeling amazing. Good for my skin and oh so good for the body I live in! April -
Women's Rights - Had a few dreams of Women's Rights So I felt it would only be right to write! How do we balance the truth? Or is there a way? I really don't know what to say. But I had these two dreams within this month and it seems that this is still a lost dream. What do we really want? Is it respect? And if it is, How do we get it? If respect is given, will we get it back? And is it as simple as that? I have so many questions myself because as I dreamt of this topic twice. I started to look within and I started to go back on this journey that I am in. I went back to the beginning, From the beginning as I could and I guess I am trying to understand the inner world of a man. Why? Every year women call 911 in fear. In fear of their life, chilled to the bone, living in strife. Why is it so common? I hear conversations of men, giving each other high fives thinking it is so cool to choke out their wives when she gets out of line. Why is it funny? To hurt the person you chose to be with. I watch the violence that kids live with be brought to school. I watch kids learning what they live and it hurts me to think they might not understand how wrong that it is. I kept dreaming of this. Women's Rights - During this last month and I wanted to share my voice. I know Women's Rights moves far beyond violence and disrespect. It goes far beyond what I could ever type and I know there is a lot I left out. But because so many women have the right to call 911 when they know that they need. The saddest part is that not every women in this world has the opportunity to pick up a phone and be freed.
The Cave - My third eye base I come back to this place when my inner eye needs some space. A space where my inner gaze can be open and soothed. Takes a dose of tranquility to get back in the groove. I once seen a cave during a white river rafting trip. I seen it once and time stood still, I felt there was nothing that felt more real. I decided that day that this cave would forever be my soothing third eye base. April -
Chiron - Reached into the depths of my pain that has no name and at the end of the day the pain that has no say. It doesn't matter anyway. The light rises again each and every day. Chiron sways through our subconscious bodies and heals us over time. I felt unfolded in many ways taken back to my earlier days. I am learning how to embrace the whole being both light and dark. Wholeness is real and Chiron shows us where to heal. April -