Photo: By April
The Sweetest Feeling -
The sweetest feeling is
when I have believed
in my dream.
I love to see the happy
look on my children's face.
I love to hug my children
and keep them feeling
I live in joy and I like to
surprise my children with
their favorite toy.
I catch a glimpse of bliss
when my daughter signs
her letters to me saying,
"hug and kiss".
I love the little things and
how beautiful my son's voice
sounds when he sings.
I like to nourish my family
and make healthy organic
Playing, relating and bonding
bring on a good mood.
I love the 'bonding hormone'
Oxytocin that is released in
our body when we experience
deep trust and empathy.
My first born daughter is
a sweet leo astrologically
born into the 5th house of
my chart.
I prayed to have a baby a
month before she was conceived
and I realize that I received
exactly what I dreamed.
I feel blessed and nurturing
my children gives me
the sweetest feeling.
April -
Tiger in my dream -
A courageous survivor
was represented in my dream
Aside from the details in my
Towards the end I seen
the most amazing thing.
I seen a beautiful orange tiger
walking through a grassy field.
She was perfectly poised as
she was eager to put one paw
in front of another.
I thought for a while what she
may represent.
She was primal, focused
and moving along intent
to have her needs met.
I always love to analyze my
I am curious about this one.
Soon after this dream recollection
I started to see tiger pictures in
waking life.
Many times after my dream, I
noticed tigers much more and
wonder what they mean.
And I begin to wonder what this
may be.
What kind of sign would this
tiger be for me?
But after a while, I started to
visualize the tiger inside of me.
Without a thought of combining
the two, today I started to visualize
orange color inside and around
me as I created an affirmation of
my own and this is how it goes,
"I am creative, I breathe new life
into my body" and I visualize that
I am actually breathing in orange
air that surrounds me.
I am excited about the Tiger energy.
I love analyzing my dreams and
for now I will visualize the
Tiger inside me.
April -
Roots -
Saturday night November 16th 2013
I dreamt of an open field
and a tree connected to soil
with extremely strong roots.
Roots that were growing stronger
and stronger and leading into
my home. As I woke I felt
connected to a very strong
Rooted into the core of my being.
Now truly able to see that unique
essential part of me.
I am in touch with my integrity.
And trusting that every step
I take will bring me to a
truly wonderous place.
I am growing roots that are
deep and grown in truth.
April -
Follow the Tide -
Fluidity to me has been
a synchronicity.
I feel so fluid these days
in so many ways.
I feel so immersed into
this fluid path.
I love the moments that
I soak in a sea salt bath.
I keep thinking about water
and all that it is.
It is incredible the healing
energy that is gives.
I feel so drawn to water
these days.
It heals me in so many ways.
I have had dreams of water.
I have detoxed with water.
I have sent love to my water.
I absolutely feel so immensely
drawn to water.
Water moves me and guides me
so gently on my path.
I have taken so many baths.
I feel so fluid inside as I
follow the tide.
April -